Books: on balance, I'm for them. These are most of the ones I've read since 2007 or so. The star ratings correspond more closely to "how worth my time this felt" than "how good this is."Pacat, C.S.
Pak, Greg
The Incredible Hulk: Planet Hulk
w/ Aaron Lopresti, Carlo Pagulayan, Juan Santacruz, Gary Frank, Takeshi Miyazawa
October 16 2008
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Palahniuk, Chuck
Papazian, Charles
Parsons, Brad Thomas
Peace, David
Pearson, Marc
Mist from the Geyser (The Flamingo Diamond Series)
December 02 2019
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The Claw: The Terrible, Beautiful Claw (Flamingo Diamond Sseries #2)
December 02 2019
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Perkins, John
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The problem at the core of this book is trust. Do dynamics and even overt American foreign policy strategies like the ones he describes exist? Sure. Do I believe that literal "economic hit men" under the command of the NSA exist, and that Perkins was personally the key player in the economic colonization of half a dozen countries around the world? I am very dubious. And if that is poetic license, what else is?
Perkins might have done well to take the advice he says he got from one publisher, and edited this as fiction in the spirit of John Grisham - this is actually pretty good writing and it would have been more honest.
Oh, and he is super weird about women.
July 20 2019
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Pessl, Marisha
Petrini, Carlo
Slow Food: The Case for Taste (Arts and Traditions of the Table)
w/ William McCuaig, Alice Waters
This book is worthwhile as an overview of Slow Food and what it's philosophical and practical ramifications have been in Italy and around the world. Unfortunately, at times it strays beyond the bounds of its argumentative essay format into the domain of marketing material; it becomes difficult in certain sections to know how much to trust the claims being made.
I would recommend this (after all) modestly sized, innocuous little book to anyone trying to understand what Slow Food is all about - or to develop their ideas on how the current local food movement might be expanded for the world stage.
Made me think about:
- Saving Time: Discovering a Life Beyond Productivity Culture
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Phelan, Peggy
Phillips, Leigh
The People's Republic of Walmart: How the World's Biggest Corporations Are Laying the Foundation for Socialism
Michal Rozworski
Made me think about:
- Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work
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Piketty, Thomas
Piskor, Ed
Planck, Nina
Plokhy, Serhii
Preston, Richard
Proust, Marcel
In Search Of Lost Time, Vol 6: Time Regained and A Guide to Proust
w/ Terence Kilmartin, D.J. Enright, C.K. Scott Moncrieff
June 07 2013
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The Prisoner and the Fugitive (In Search of Lost Time #5)
w/ Carol Clark, Christopher Prendergast, Peter Collier
February 14 2013
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Sodom and Gomorrah (In Search of Lost Time, #4)
w/ Christopher Prendergast, John Sturrock
July 01 2010
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The Guermantes Way (In Search of Lost Time, #3)
w/ Mark Treharne, Christopher Prendergast
May 26 2009
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In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower (In Search of Lost Time, #2)
w/ James Grieve, Christopher Prendergast
Made me think about:
- Lady Chatterley's Lover & A Propos of Lady Chatterley's Lover
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